
Exif tools online
Exif tools online

For this example, we’ll use the Firefox Add-On, FxIF. There are many browser plugins that offer Exif capabilities. In the first method, we’ll use a browser plugin.

exif tools online exif tools online

Reference the “Hacking cases’s body of evidence” article for more info on this case. The FBI extracted the GPS coordinates and sent local authorities to the location where the picture was taken, in a Melbourne, Australia suburb, where they found Ochoa and arrested him. AnonWormer left the Exif data in the picture. AnonWormer aka Higinio O Ochoa III used his Twitter account to post a picture of a woman holding a sign stating “PwNd by w0rmer & CabinCr3w”. People often leave this information in images they post on the Internet, sometimes to their demise, such as the no longer Anonymous hacker, “AnonWormer”. – GPS Coordinates where the picture was taken

exif tools online

In short, Exif is information about a digital picture, such as: In this post, we’ll cover two simple ways to extract Exif ( Exchangeable image file) data from images.

Exif tools online